Sad news: Andrew “Mac” McDermott passed away
These are things no one ever want to read… according to Blabbermouth, ex Threshold singer Andrew “Mac” McDermott passed away yesterday for “serious health problems”.
I’d like to share a little, personal memory with all of you.
Back in 2002 I knew Threshold but I wasn’t a big fan of the band. I had the chance to see them live, co-headlining the ProgPower festival in The Netherlands and during their show I started singing along “Turn On Tune In”, a song I really like from the album “Hypothetical”. Mac noticed it and waved at me, even if I wasn’t on the front lines. Right after this, the band started to play “Fragmentation”, from the album “Critical Mass”. I was so hooked by that song I looked for the merchandising store that was close to the stage and I bought the album before the song ended!
After that show, I became a big Threshold fan!
R.I.P. Mac, we’ll always remember you!
Listen to our music!
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