Heavy metal songs: Fit to Die reviewed by Metallized Webzine
Yeees, Grave’s here to write some useless words about what reviewers told about “Fit to Die”.
The one on Metallized Webzine was the first review I read, maybe because it’s in my mothertongue ( I know sometimes I’m lazy ).
Anyway I liked the almost track by track and I noticed that the reviewer got a point on our kind of metal: sometimes we’re progressive, sometimes power but at the matter of fact we just play heavy metal music! We never thought to be original at all costs or to play extremely hypertechnical (we like them but we’re not Symphony X J): the idea was to made good metal songs with a touch of personality. I think we did the best we can do and we’re quite satisfied about the final result.
When I begun to listen to the CD I had the same sensation of the reviewer: The album grows song after song and finally I can say that my favourite one is “The day of retribution”; when I heard it for the first time I said :”Dammit Gad, eleven minutes long to play, I think I’m gonna die before it ends”. Well, fortunately we do not play death metal. Oh, yes we have some growl vocals here and there, that’s because of the lyrics. I think Ciardo of Delirium X Tremens has an amazing and powerful voice. I was in the studio when he sang the first words of “The Day of Retribution” and it was like to be into a “growling wind”!!
I’m pleased to read that the reviewer do not compare us to anyone: yes, because as every artist in the world we have our reference points, our masters our backgrounds. For example, it’s an honor to be compared to Dream Theater but honestly I don’t think we have too much to do with them.
I remember the first time I met Gadjet who said to me: ”I want to form an heavy metal band with Symphony X‘s sense of prog, Savatage‘s feeling and Soilwork‘s power!!!” “ Yes, I answered and then we will conquer the world with a guitar and a couple of sticks:)” Really, I’ve been astonished by his way of thinking because he believes in what he does and “Fit to Die” has been a good test for an ambitious plan. See ya..
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