Monthly Archives: March 2011

Devin Townsend Project live @ Magazzini Generali – Milan – Italy – 19th march 2011

This time I’m reporting from the Devin Townsend Projct last live in Milan. I really looked forward to seeing him live again (after seeing him with SYL some years ago): the truth is that one of Future Is Tomorrow’s dream… Continue reading

Introducing reviews’ reviews and other stories

Hi friends, as you should have noticed, our new website is up and running! There are few minor changes left to do, but we’re nearly there. This is the 4th Future Is Tomorrow website since 2003, but this time we’re… Continue reading

Japan earthquake and tsunami – donations and charity tips

Hi dear friends, as you all should kno an earthquake of magnitude 8.9 hit Japan causing a huge amount of victims. We really love that country, japanese culture and japanese people, and we feel very sorry for everyone who lost… Continue reading

Support independent music!

In the last few years, many things changed in the discographic industry. While ten years ago the main goal for a band was to get a deal with a label, nowadays this is not so important.

Today little bands must… Continue reading

Symphony X live @ Viper Theater – Florence – Italy – 5th march 2011

We are musicians, but first of all we love music! Symphony X influenced us in many ways, so we go to see their show every time they come to Italy.

In this early 2011, they’re hanging around with the “Power… Continue reading

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