Music stuff
I’m in love with my Tama drums!
Well, if my first Tama Rockstar could speak, it would not say the same to me. I remember when I bought it: while I was putting the base drum in the car, I accidentally hit the baggage (despite the precautions… Continue reading →
“Grave, I have a new song! Yes, it’s power metal!!!”
Sometimes, before entering the reharsal room, I hear that sentence from Gad…
Don’t misunderstand me, I like the top power metal bands like Helloween or Gamma Ray and I saw them live a couple of times; the fact is… Continue reading →
Ze Germans Zymbals
Hello friends!
I fell in love with Meinl Cymbals. I was a fan of Paiste and still I am, but sometimes come the moments of changes and I was looking for something similar. Meinl fits very well to me.… Continue reading →
Jazz drum kit for heavy metal drummers
Isn’t it an attractive headline for an article?! No?! Ok, I tried…
Well, I want to talk a little about my drumkit and what I think about metal drummers.
First of all I use a Tama Starclassic Performer: it… Continue reading →
Gadjet’s next guitar? Maybe a VGS
About ten years ago I bought my last guitar, the one I mainly use: a LTD M-350. It’s a good instrument, mahogany neck through body with rosewood fingerboard. Obviously, I fully customized it! After one week or so,… Continue reading →
Devin Townsend Project live @ Magazzini Generali – Milan – Italy – 19th march 2011
This time I’m reporting from the Devin Townsend Projct last live in Milan. I really looked forward to seeing him live again (after seeing him with SYL some years ago): the truth is that one of Future Is Tomorrow’s dream… Continue reading →
Support independent music!
In the last few years, many things changed in the discographic industry. While ten years ago the main goal for a band was to get a deal with a label, nowadays this is not so important.
Today little bands must… Continue reading →
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